
This template site has some core changes that improve performance and eliminate the need for some plugins.

Do NOT create a child theme.
This theme is designed to be updated without overwriting customization.

Do NOT edit anything in the /vendor/ directory.
That one directory is deleted & updated during theme updates.

Use the /assets/ directory for additional customization.
Edit the enqueued main style.css in /wp-content/themes/plumberseo/assets/css/style.css
Upload new javascripts to /wp-content/themes/plumberseo/assets/js/ and then use wp_enqueue_script() to add them to the site.
Add scripts to be enqueued to /wp-content/themes/plumberseo/assets/functions/enqueue-scripts.php

Authentication cookies have been set to expire after 3hrs and force a logout.
This is to reduce the additional resource use from the dashboard.

Only install plugins that have been updated within the past 6 months.
Shortcodes in Widgets has been enabled in the core configuration.
In pages and posts, use the custom meta Description field instead of Yoast so the info stays in the database when Yoast is deleted.

Do not copy and paste javascripts or CSS into template pages.
Use wp_enqueue_script() and wp_enqueue_style() to avoid conflicts.
You can also restrict the enqueued style or script to only load on specific pages. This prevents conflicts and reduces the amount of code that is processed for every page.

WordPress has several built-in shortcodes that eliminate the need for additional plugins.

WordPress can automatically embed videos, images, tweets, audio, and other content in a page or post.
You can also use the built-in Embed function instead of a plugin.

You can create your own shortcodes without using a plugin.
Shortcode Generator