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Methods for Going Green in the Home

Methods for Going Green in the Home

With Earth Day around the corner on April 22nd, many property owners are now considering how they use energy in and around their home. You may find that you’re over-using and overspending on energy in 2017. Fortunately, you can learn how to mitigate your energy use alongside experienced home maintenance professionals. In this latest post, our experts highlight several methods for going green in your home.

Switch to Energy Saving Elements

One important way you can immediately begin saving on energy in your home is to capitalize on the already available technology. One such option is LED bulbs. Homeowners across the country are now switching out their incandescent bulbs for LED bulbs that achieve the same level of brightness while requiring lower levels of energy.

Adjust Your Thermostat to the Weather

adjust-the-thermostat_480Your home thermostat can be used to effectively control your energy output in the home around the clock. You’re likely overspending on energy when you heat your home as temperatures rise outside.

Try to analyze the upcoming temperatures in the coming few days and then program your thermostat according to the environment.

For example, if you know a warm front is arriving, you can set the thermostat a few degrees cooler in anticipation of the change. It’s also important that you program the thermostat for limited use throughout the day when nobody’s home. This will reduce your energy costs considerably.

Consider Solar Appliances

Solar technology is evolving rapidly. Now, thousands of homeowners across the country are now using solar panels that take in the sun’s rays and output electricity through the photovoltaic process.

The federal government is now offering subsidies to homeowners that convert their homes for use with solar electricity, helping reduce the cost of the solar installation process and minimize carbon output across the country. Work with a trusted local energy solutions expert to ensure you choose the ideal solar technology for your home.

Close the Chimney Fluechimney-flue_480

Throughout the year, it’s critical that you close your chimney flue when it’s not in use. This is particularly important during winter time, as the rise of the heat within the home will mean that an open chimney flue allows heat to escape.

Simply close the flue when you’re not using it to block the air from leaving the space. This will also ensure you don’t have to use more energy to maintain the optimal temperature in your home.

Our market-leading experts are here to guide you in minimizing your energy use throughout the home in 2017.

To learn more on how to go green in your home, call our C. Woods Company experts in Tyler, TX at 903-593-0246.